30 September 2022

Image of Wellbeing Award - Gold!

We are delighted to announce our success on receiving the Gold Award for the 'Excellence for Employee Wellbeing' by One Education Ltd.


One Education assessed CHS South on what we provide to our employees to ensure their wellbeing is important to us. We are committed to recruiting and retaining outstanding practitioners onto our teaching and our support teams to ensure that our students achieve their very best and are led by happy, dedicated and highly skilled staff.


“It was very clear to me that the importance of staff wellbeing runs through your school, your leaders and your decisions and that staff felt valued and empowered to speak up if they are struggling. You should all be really proud of this.” – Jade Walwyn, HR Manager, One Education Ltd.


The DfE states ‘Taking a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing at school/college leads to improved student emotional health and wellbeing. This can help with their learning’. At CHS South we strongly believe in this and actively do our best to support all our staff so that they can be the best that they can be providing effective teaching to our students.


We are dedicated to ensuring ongoing training and personalised development for all staff. We have an exciting calendar of CPD training events; active and motivating sessions focused on Teaching and Learning, student attainment and staff well-being. We use the Annual Appraisal Cycle to ensure that all professional development is designed to meet the needs of our staff, whatever stage of their career they may be at and whether they are teaching or support staff.


“As a school built around establishing a creative, happy & successful community, we at CHS South are thrilled to have been awarded the Gold Excellence for Employee Wellbeing Award from One Education. We believe that now more than ever the wellbeing of our community needs to be placed at the forefront of our work to ensure we support all members - staff, students, and the wider community – to feel ready, respectful & safe. We thank the One Education assessment team for recognising our efforts to achieve this goal at the highest level.” - Mr D Prophet, Headteacher

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