As a science teacher I feel privileged to help shape the scientists of the future and feel passionate about promoting science to everyone. 
Studying Science at CHS South will enable pupils to think deeply about the world around them and question why and how things happen. In the first year at CHS South, pupils will learn to think like scientists engaging their curiosity in the natural world and developing their ability to analyse and evaluate data using the practical skills they have developed.

Throughout the five years at CHS South we will offer students the opportunity to engage in debates that question misconceptions and preconceived ideas not supported by evidence. Pupils will also take part in many fun and engaging practical’s that further develop their love for science outside the classroom. To Quote Einstein (my favourite scientist!) “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world”.

Students will learn the foundations of chemistry, biology and physics during KS3 and build upon them during KS4, with the intention of raising interest and engagement in the natural world and developing their curiosity.


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