CHS South is a centre of excellence for the arts and our vision is based on the belief that creativity is a vital component of lifelong learning. We cultivate creativity and imagination throughout the whole school curriculum to enable our students to discover and explore; problem solve and take risks; visualise the future and achieve with confidence.


Please find below our current offer for after school activities for our Summer Term:

Extra-Curricular Activities 2023/2024 - Summer 1


We believe that these fundamental skills and qualities underpin all career paths and future routes as they provide essential and relevant foundations for future success. Our Arts College origins allow us to provide high quality Arts education for our students and the local community. These experiences and opportunities are enhanced and enriched by a range of masterclasses, workshops and tutorials led by professional and nationally renowned groups.


At CHS South, our aim is to nurture and develop each student. We allow students to take part in a range of enrichment activities.  These not only enable them to develop their learning and foster creativity, but also widen their experiences and open up new horizons and opportunities to discover talents, passions and interests that they may never have considered before.


Extra-curricular activities are an important and exciting feature of school life and contribute enormously to our students’ social and academic development. There is an extensive menu of free extra-curricular activities on offer with opportunities to take part in workshops, field trips and research. We also offer students the chance to experience different cultures through our range of national and international trips and visits to educational venues linked to curricular areas. We intend our students to readily enjoy these experiences and relish the unique opportunities that they are given to extend and expand their learning.


CHS South is building an impressive reputation for excellence in sports and the Arts. Extra-curricular groups benefit from working with professional coaches and artists and we regularly field teams in a range of sports with students regularly participating in competitions and tournaments at city wide and regional levels. The Arts are becoming a thriving hotbed of activity with students being able to access and experience a broad and eclectic range of art forms at the highest level. Students perform or exhibit their work in school, as well as in the many professional arts venues across the city to showcase and celebrate their talent.


At CHS South we define our global community locally, nationally and internationally. We encourage students to become global citizens by experiencing a range of learning opportunities to develop their international identify and equip them for life in a global society and global economy. We develop this international identity through both the pastoral and academic curriculum, the development of our Qualities of Success and through our enrichment curriculum. Through the Prospere Learning Trust, we have important community links which will allow pupils to work with local community groups and charities. The Trust is proud to hold the International Schools Award and is committed to developing CHS South pupils as global citizens.


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