Celebrating Inclusion at the Manchester School Games
What Is Safeguarding?
Protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
We are all responsible for the welfare of children and keeping the environment safe and all staff at CHS South have received the required comprehensive training on child protection and safeguarding.
If you are a CHS South student and need further support, please contact your Pastoral Leader or a trusted member of staff whilst in school and they will work to support you. If you need support whilst away from school, you can contact Childline or call for free on 0800 1111; if you need urgent support, please contact the Emergency Services on 999.
If you are a child and have experienced abuse at school or are a worried adult or professional that need support and guidance, including for non-recent abuse, contact the new NSPCC helpline, Report Abuse in Education on 0800 136 663.
If you are an adult and are worried about a child, please contact the NSPCC online or on 0808 800 5000; again, if your report is urgent, please contact the Emergency Services on 999.
A police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
A website which has many resources for families, to help them meet the challenges of the digital age.
The leading children's charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow.
Designed to help parents get to grips and get involved with their children's digital world.
Child Exploitation & Online Protection Centre.
The UK's free, 24-hour service for children and young people.
Provides information on how to protect children on their smartphone.
Educational guides for staff, parents and pupils to provide the knowledge, skills and confidence to keep children safe online.
A single point of entry, front door approach to the emotional wellbeing and mental health offer for young people aged 5-18.
The UK’s leading charity fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health.
Support with emotional well-being and mental health by offering a choice of effective, creative, young person-centred and rights-based approaches.
A multi-agency training programme designed to increase awareness and understanding of a range of mental and emotional health problems for professionals and front-line staff working with children and young people.